Confraria nº55

Solicitamos a todos que cheguem pelas 18h30! A partir do momento em que começar a sessão, a abertura da porta poderá ser demorada.

18:40Ransomware – I own your files, now what?
David Marques

I will talk about ransomware history, common infection vectors, why it is so hard to avoid it, how to avoid it and what will the future bring!

19:10 – “Security Headers”
Herman Duarte

This talk is about security headers used in the HTTP/HTTPS protocols.

19:30 – “In Headers/Padlocks/Site Seals & CA’s we trust
Filipe Bernardo

Nowadays there are many online services that “help” in the verification of the security configuration of our servers. These include checks on HTTP security headers, verification of SSL certificates and even checking the CSR’s. This presentation briefly shows some of these online tests we can do to be sure that we have a “safe” server. At the end we will see that the important thing is to have a seal of approval of a Certification Authority.</sarcasm>

19:50 – “Resolução do desafio 0x1 Bad Luck”
Herman Duarte